Posted May 16, 2012 at 3:04 am

See? A rut. First Octopunch, then SG Prime, and now these guys. I left them all for last, and now this feels like a big hate parade.
I feel about the Shattered Glass Junkions the same way I did about Shattered Glass on its debut year. I wanted to add to my existing armies and not start new ones. I was really excited when we found out about Hasbro making Junkions. Junkions with three heads, even! That was guaranteed a souvenir set of some sort. And it meant I could double the number of Junkions from three to six. Maybe we'd even get a new head or something, who knows.
But naw dawg, have some mirrorverse Junkions.
Mirrorverse Junkions who borged a bunch of guys I like into more mirrorverse Junkions.
It just wasn't what I wanted from these molds at BotCon.
At least they're attractive.
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